home page
WOOOO!!! 3000 SITE VISITS!!!!!
this is so cool xo)!!!! thank you for visiting my mediocre website!!! I love all of you!!!
HAPPY OCTOBER FIRST!!!!! It is actually my sister's birthday today!! she is 19 :o)
IM SO EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN!!! I'm going as the riddler (2022) this year xo)
OKAY, I think im almost done. I just need a LITTLE more time to fix things :o)
HI, UM so I was actually expecting the website to be ready by now so this is real embarassing... BUT I just need to remake the index page and fix all the other links, and it should be basically done!!
hehehehee hi guys i finally made this thing work!!!
this took an embarassing amount of time,,,
itll probably be a few more days until I open the website again! I want to make a few minor changes.